Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Katie Perry should be fifth X Factor judge

IF Simon Cowell is seriously considering bringing in a fifth X Factor judge, then look no further than Katy Perry.
The show boss is considering bringing in an extra judge after Cheryl Cole refused to vote in last week's show.
The ITV reality show has come under fire after Cole said she was "refusing point blank" to make a choice when two acts she has mentored ended up in the bottom two and judges were asked to choose who should go home.
Her decision not to vote led to Katie Waissel surviving a third sing-off on the show on Sunday as a result of the other judges' majority decision and, instead, Treyc Cohen was sent packing.
If another judge is on the cards, then Mrs Brand surely must be the frontrunner.

Her guest appearance on the show in the summer was hilarious with forthright comment mixed with a real personal touch.
Oh and she's kinda tasty too. Now that would be a proper punishment for Queen Cole, would it not?


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