Saturday, October 2, 2010

Anti-monarchy movement in DSI’s sights (Bangkok Post)

The Department of Special Investigation has set up nine teams to improve efficiency in its handling of cases involving plots to overthrow the monarchy.
DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit yesterday chaired an initial meeting of investigators who will look into cases involving the anti-monarchy movement to lay the groundwork for their inquiries.
He said the nine teams will be given different tasks to ensure efficiency in their investigations of lese majeste cases.
The teams will cover: intelligence-gathering; issues involving information and communications technology; investigations into financial, banking and tax information; foreign affairs; cases handed over by the Royal Police Office; two teams in charge of special cases which the DSI has taken over from the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES); legal secretaries; and an administration and support team.
Mr Tharit said the anti-monarchy movement is operating through two means of communication with the public.
The first is the open and direct channel such as giving public addresses, distributing leaflets, giving interviews to foreign reporters, and hosting radio or television shows.
The second method is through the internet: websites, webboards with messages showing malicious intentions towards the royal institution, showing inappropriate pictures, and the distribution of anti-monarchy articles, video clips and email.
Mr Tharit said the anti-monarchy network wants to discredit the country and bring about a change in the country’s form of government.
Related posts:
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  5. Newin vows to protect the monarchy (The Nation)
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  8. DSI warns protesters of death penalty (Bangkok Post)
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